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Saved by PBworks
on February 6, 2007 at 10:42:26 am

We're in the early planning stages of a Geek Dinner in George.


What is a Geek dinner all about ?


It is informal geeky-get-together, and a good chance to meet and share ideas with the people you usually only encounter online.


"Newbies" and people just interested in learning cool stuff, meeting nice people and enjoying good wine are welcome too.


There will be 4-5 short talks by passionate geeks who are keen to share ideas or tell us about their latest innovations or discoveries.


More structure, if required will be posted on this wiki so we can all collaborate and create an evening that we'll enjoy and benefit from - opensource style!


We've got a venue:


We've got a date:

  • Friday 9th Feb 2007


And a time:

  • 18:30


RSVP by adding your name to the attending list below or email

Stiaan at stii1973 at gmail dot com



Now we just need:


  • A logo


Please vote for or submit your preferred logo for the event


click here to view, vote and submit Logos


  • Then some publicity (calling all bloggers!)
  • Some sponsorship
  • Some people to come














  • RenĂ© Botha rvbotha at gmail dot com




  • Tania Me too, if I can manage to get there and find a cheap bed. Maybe I will speak this time too. I could present the World's Shortest Ever Course in Project Management (5 minutes flat).


  • Alta Roozendaal alta at axxess dot coza


  • Belinda Pretorius belinda at theindex dot coza





  • Willie Knoetze gardenroute at bcexpress dot coza



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