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Stormhoek Geek Dinner for SA bloggers


Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu:: Collective intelligence in South Africa 2.0!!


It is informal geeky-get-together, wine sponsored by Stormhoek (the web 2.0 wine, in case you didn't already know), a good chance to meet and share ideas with the people you usually only encounter online.

"Newbies" and people just interested in learning cool stuff, meeting nice people and enjoying good wine are welcome too.


more info about the Stormhoek Geek Dinner Concept here


read more about the first Geek Dinner:




Date: 30th August 2006

Venue: Relish www.relish.co.za

Time: 18:30


Before doing anything else, digg it!

Or, Muti it! (SA Digg):




Here's the link to the above logo for publicizing the event:


And thanks to Max for this logo which you might prefer to use:



Food ordering on the night will work as follows:

  • People will form tribes of ±5
  • Each tribe is responsible for their own ordering and paying for tappas


Thank you

  • To to Darin Collins (Garvies.com - artwork & design, & lightmerchants.com - Band) for sponsorship of a microphone & sound-recording equipment for the night
  • To Chris Rawlinson http://captainchristoph.blogspot.com/ (Captain Chris's blog)& http://baueraviation.co.za/ (Captain Chris's aviation business) for the kind donation of his home entertainment system for sound for the night!


Attending so far. (Add yourself if you want to attend) NOTE: The venue can only accomodate 70 people, we're going to have to cut off registration at that point. Sorry!


Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 1:23 am on Feb 15, 2007


I´m sorry;
I´m an user from germany...and I´m looking for an actual connection to chris proudfoot;
I met him in Rio, we had some good talks there I think so; but his @ doesn´t exist anymore..
if anybody has the actual @ please give me a notice to o.kremershof@gmx.de
Thanks to geekdinner..it would be really nice...

Have a good time;

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